1708 and C3's second Talk 20 this last Tuesday night was great! Presentations by each of the artists and designers were jam-packed with interesting information, some levity, and surprising amounts of inspiration. For those of us who are creative, opportunities to spend time with like-minded people usually result in a desire to dive back into our own ongoing projects; something about being around other creators and innovators reminds us just how important it is to exercise our playful, problem-solving right-brained-muscles.
Talk 20 presenters/artists Tiffany Glass Ferreira and Brian Korte explained how they are using their creative efforts to exact positive change a little bit at a time.
Designers Tamara Van Meter and Peter Fraser focused on the ways design can shape our environments and our identities.
Artists Gordon Stettinius, Shelia Gray, Rosemary Jesionowski, and Susan Singer discussed their personal creative endeavors with humor and humility.
The evening brought another treat in the huge turnout packing 1708. It was nice to see that not only were the presenters happy to discuss what they have going on, but there are tons of people in Richmond who want to listen, and who want to support one another's endeavors.
At the close of the event, C3 Executive Director Chrystal Wake reminded everyone to check out C3's revamped website to get involved in Richmond's creative community- artists and companies can register with C3's FREE directory in order to network and be seen, while other interested parties can stay up-to-date with C3's calendar of events.
Did you attend Talk 20? What'd you think? Who would you like to hear speak at the next one? (C3 is taking nominations...)
Thanks for being there ~ and sharing this info! I really love the format of the talk20 event ~ but the other night I wanted to hear MORE from each of the participants, or have more time to talk to people following the presentation. It would be a great way to kick off an event, like a conference?
That would be pretty cool! Maybe it could kick-off an artist conference, with workshops and lectures for artists about career development, opportunities in Richmond and surrounding areas, grants, taxes for artists... stuff like that. Hmmm...
Right! ~ Like break out sessions lead by the initial presenters... kind of an "unconference", with hands on sessions and/or field trips to sites mentioned in the intro.
So who do we have to talk to to make this happen?
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